Archive for Prem Kant Jha

Yoga & Health

Posted in libri with tags , , , , on April 29, 2018 by Domenico Delfino

Internal practices

“…A person who attains samadhi becomes a gift to his or her society.  If humanity is ever to achieve a more evolved civilization, it will be possible only because of our growth and evolution as human beings.  A person who is established in samadhi lives his or her Whole life as a spontaneous expression of the unhindered flow of supreme consciousness.  This superconscious level is our human essence; it is universal and transcends all the division of culture, creed, gender or age.  When we become aware of this state within, our Whole life is transformed.  When we transform ourselves and experience serenity, peace, and freedom, we also transform our societies and all of human civilization.  This awareness of the infinite consciousness is the practical and real goal of yoga…”.

(Tratto da Dr. Prem Kant Jha, “Yoga & Health”, Solar books, Delhi-110002, 2015)